Monday, April 11, 2016

Men in Romance

Since we were in Los Angeles for the L.A. Times Festival of Books, my Best Friend suggested a visit to The Ripped Bodice, the new romance-specific bookstore in Culver City.

In addition to meeting proprietors Bea and Leah, I got a kick out of seeing a friend from the Festival already at work in the store.

This guy gets how sweet it is to be a man in romance, even without the refresher read of Beyond Heaving Bosoms:  The Smart Bitches' Guide to Romance. 

Even as a pre-published writer, I can't imagine more rewarding work. I'm pleased that my stories not only entertain, but promise readers that despite the challenges my characters face, in the end Love Wins!

In a world that can be as cold, cruel, and dangerous as ours, I think this sort of joyful hope appeals to both women and men.


  1. It is always a pleasure to see where you and your BF go on your travels. You are an inspiration. xo.

    1. Thank you, Sarah. We have fun being together.

  2. It was so good to see you and your BFF this weekend at the LA FOB. You two brighten my day. xoxo

    1. Thank you, Mia. We had fun with you and our pals from LARA. Thanks for all your work organizing the romance booth!

  3. It was so good to see you and your BFF this weekend at the LA FOB. You two brighten my day. xoxo
